Yes / No |
Circles under eyes? |
Coated tongue in the morning? |
High Cholesterol levels of 212
mg/dl and Triglycerides of 177 mg/dl? |
Poor digestion, abdominal
bloating and nausea - especially after fatty foods? |
Weight gain around abdomen? |
Constipation? |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
where the bowel actions are irregular and vary from diarrhea to
constipation? |
Bad breath in the morning? |
Unpleasant mood changes,
depression and "foggy brain"? |
Allergic conditions such as
hay fever, hives, skin rashes and asthma? |
Recurring headaches? |
High blood pressure and fluid
retention? |
Hypoglycemia or unstable blood
sugar levels? |
Fatigue? |
Excessive body heat, night
sweats and body odor? |
Low tolerance to alcohol? |