Suggestion and  Example for Weekly
Wins and Intentions

First person starts an email like this:

Wins/Intentions for Week of May 21


     Wins:   Signed up a new Manager, and connected  with 10 new people about the business. 


  • Follow up with 10 leads from last week
  • Set up a home presentation about healthy homes
  • Take 6 prospects to the L.I.F.E. meeting
  • Enroll 1 new Preferred customer and 1 new distributor







In this example....

Vickie would list all of the mastermind participants, in the pre-determined order of who would receive them next. 

She would fill in her own Wins and intentions, then send the email to the next person on the list (Margie)

Margie would then fill in her wins/intentions and forward the email to Debbie.

Debbie would do the same and send to Ron.

Ron would fill his in, and then send the finished list to the entire group.

This should be completed and back to the whole list within 24 hours of the call.

If Margie knew she would be out of town/unavailable to add her wins/commitments - she would send them to whomever was first (or to the whole list) in ADVANCE of the call so they could be added in.  Then Vickie would send directly to Debbie, bypassing Margie since she was out of town.


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   Copyright 1999 - 2011  Margie Aliprandi
This an independent Neways distributor's website, and all information provided is for training purposes only.