Tax Info







One of our Diamond Ambassadors recently asked a question of 
Tax Guru Sandy Botkin.  
Here is her question and his reply -



QUESTION: I am a Diamond Ambassador with Neways International. Recently I attended a Neways University where someone quoted you as saying that just by being in a home based business that a person can save between $3000-$5000 in taxes.

Having been self-employed most of my life I understand about home based business tax deductions. My question is this. At what point would someone get those kind of deductions? Would that be a $30,000 a year income earner, a $40,000 a year income earner? More? Thanks for helping us fight the good fight. 

                                         ~  Neways Diamond Ambassador

SANDY'S ANSWER:  You are giving me a great question. You have raised one of the biggest myths in this country! In fact, if most network marketers understood this issue, there would be a lot more recruiting going on. The income level is only important in determining how beneficial a home-based business tax loss is to you. It is total irrelevant, however, in being able to take the loss as we will discuss below. 

First, let me state one thing. IRS has stated that network marketing income is subject to social security; thus, it constitutes being a business! As with all businesses, if your business generates a loss, you may use that loss against any form of income such as wages, rents, pensions, and even against other business income.


Observation: The higher your other income, the more beneficial a tax loss from a home-based business becomes. The reason is that the higher the income, the higher the tax bracket. Thus, if you are in the 30% tax bracket between federal and state and you have a $10,000 tax loss from your home business, this will save you $3,000 in taxes. If you are in the 50% tax bracket, you will save $5,000 in taxes from the loss.

If your loss exceeds you and your spouses income, you may carry back the loss two years and get a refund from the federal and state governments for some of the tax paid in the last two years or you can carryover all business losses TWENTY years, which will offset up to the next twenty years of income!  Thus, you never lose a properly documented business deduction.

Hot Tip
This can be a powerful recruiting tip when used correctly. You can go to almost anyone especially any employee and suggest that they can get a $5,000 to $25,000 or more raise if they give you one hour of your time by having a home based business. 

I should note that I have a tape that explains this to prospects entitled, "Underpaid and Overtaxed" (US and Canadian Edition) that you can get by calling publishers recording at 800-318-1997.  If they don't have it, you can call me at my office at 301-972-3600 to get another source.

Moreover, you and your prospects don't have to wait until April 15 (in Canada it is April 30) to get the benefit of any expected losses. You can adjust your withholding or estimated tax payments to see an immediate pay raise! IRS states in their publications that for every $2800 in new expected deductions, you can add one exemption for withholding. Thus if you expect to pay $11,000 more in interest on the purchase of a big home or $11,000 of losses from a home business, you may add four exemptions for withholding purposes. It is like having four new children but is a LOT less painful!

There are, however, several keys to all this: 

bulletFirst, you must run your business like a business and NOT like a hobby!! This is crucial and most home based business owners are not doing it right. I have a whole chapter in my series, " Tax Advantages for Business Professionals" and "Tax Advantages for Your Home-Based Business." There are several important steps that must be done. You must have a business plan noting five years of projected income and losses, which should eventually project a profit. 
You should have a well documented tax organizer that has all the tax questions IRS and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency requires for documentation. (Author's note: you can get one from our web site at 
You should constantly attend meetings and training and listen to tapes and document what you did. You should ask for advice from successful experts in your field or successful upline distributors and take the advice.
bulletSecondly, NEVER, EVER QUIT!! I am sure that as a diamond, I don't need to tell you this; however, this message should be sent to all your downline. The reason for this is two fold: Network marketing usually takes at least two years to start seeing significant results and if you stop working regularly, you lose the tax deductions for businesses. You are deemed to be a hobby, which limits any loss to the income from the hobby! Yuck! It is vital to document what meetings attended and what conference calls that you participated in on a weekly basis.
bulletThirdly, as you start making income from your business, you will have to readjust your withholding back or pay estimated taxes. The reason is that we assumed that you had a loss with no income.
bulletFinally, you should have my Tax Advantage or Tax Strategy system and my tax organizer. The reason is that it will teach you what you need to know about reducing your taxes and IRS audit proofing your records. In addition, the organizer will make you audit proof! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and my materials provide that evidence.

If you follow my advice, I will not only dramatically help you in your recruiting, not only reduce attrition, but will make tax day pay day for the rest of your life!




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