Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States and across the world. As obesity began to rise steadily twenty to thirty years ago, people initially believed that dietary fat was the main culprit. Low-fat and fat-free diets became popular, which decreased dietary amounts of meat and dairy products in order to reduce fat intake. Today the average adult is stuffed with carbohydrates, deficient in essential meat and dairy nutrients-and still overweight! Today science tells dieters why fat-free diets do not equal weight loss and healthy bodies. Many weight-conscious individuals now understand the importance of certain "good fats" in maintaining a healthy body weight, a proper balance of nutrients in the body, and healthy cell membranes. Perhaps the most exciting discovery in this field is Conjugated Linoleic Acid, more often called by its acronym CLA. CLA is a natural derivative of linoleic acid, an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Cattle convert dietary linoleic acid (obtained from grasses) into CLA in their digestive tracts. Humans, unable to make this conversion, must obtain CLA from beef and diary products in their diet. However, the high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol found in these foods often negate the health benefits that CLA has to offer. In contrast, ProMass contains isolated CLA in its pure form to provide all the benefits without the saturated fats. CLA is gaining recognition in the medical field for its unique health-promoting characteristics, including its ability to aid in weight management. A double-blind study of 60 overweight persons at the Scandinavian Clinical Research Center in Kjeller, Norway found that CLA helps the body better utilize stored fats as energy and create improved body tone. In addition, CLA helps the body maintain healthy cells, cholesterol levels, and various other functions. |
§ Provides the comprehensive health benefits of CLA without the unhealthy fats and cholesterol of dietary CLA sources. * Supports body tone Usage Take 1 capsule of ProMass three times daily with meals. Use
ProMass as part of a smart weight management program. As you cut back on calories, don't cut back on essential nutrients your body needs. Supplement with Maximol Solutions multimineral complex, Orachel multivitamin complex and Omega-3 EPA fatty acid formula. The CLA found in
ProMass is also an excellent fatty acid source. References 1].MacDonald HB. "Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Disease Prevention: A Review of Current Knowledge." Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2000; vol 19(2): pp. 111S-118S. |